Wednesday, September 04, 2013


The race against time...
Will it ever end,
until the very end???

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I need a plan
An EXIT strategy
Very clearly orchestrated

Not jumping into rash decisions
Rather, a slow transition
from what I am
to what I am capable of


Feign interest or be rude.
When presented with these 2 options,
I often pick the self destructive one.
It is easier to deal with myself,
Than to cause hurt to someone else

If you do have like minded folk around you,
Consider yourself very lucky.

I can assure you, not everyone does.

If you are one such extrovert,
do give us some insight.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Truth

It can hit you hard
when you are on a realization

When you seek to know the truth,
to understand the consequences of 
the choices you made,

you might even find out -
what a hypocrite you have been
your own self scoffing at you for being one

But ignoring the truth, does not
make it disappear.
Nor will you have personal growth.

A lion does not hunt for fun
Nature is not wrong

You can only choose from 
the choices available to you at hand
When you do so,
ask yourself - "at what expense?"
and accept.