Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ever heard of 'Stars smiling upon you'?

A mischievous smile,
aware of a mysterious secret;
knowing the answers we couldn't figure out,
glancing at the future we can't see

Here is our 'smiley sky'
that'll stay forever in our memory

(Courtesy image: NASA)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Good & Evil

"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance"
- Socrates

Do I agree with this?
Certainly not.

Perhaps I would, if I knew what deep thought lead Socrates say it.
May be, he thought that, knowing what is good and what is evil, will refrain people from doing evil deeds. 

Although, I am amused, when people do things, fully knowing its impact. It makes me think, they get evil pleasures in their deeds. Perhaps the new rule of the game is "Who wins" rather than "Who does it right". Or may be this is the rule all along and I wasn't aware of it.

Am I in a different world than that living by people who agree with Socrates?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The moon went hiding...

"No peeking" said the flower
sweating with dew drops

"where shud I hide?"
"breeze, take me someplace moon cannot find"

"I have no power to pluck u flower"
"and no heart to take u away"


"oh come on, there is no time"

wind took her, all the way beneath the rock
who won this game? Flower cudn't answer...